Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Are those Doritos?

Those who would think salsa chips funny for communion (like myself) really miss the boat.

Having made the boat the day before I decided to take this one too.

In its original context, communion is simply breaking bread together and drinking wine and understanding and feeling the presence of Christ in that regular and organic a way.

Jesus said "as often as you eat this bread...drink this wine..."

Well in that culture it would be every day.

You can have communion anytime you like, and best done with others at a restaurant, or out on the deck. Sit togther, read passage, open up and feel God's presence in the bread (or chips) the wine (or juice) and see God's handiwork in the trees and smell God's oxygen (if you can). And see Christ in your sister or brother, even if they do not believe as you do for the Imago Dei is present. Posted by Picasa


At 9:43 AM , Blogger tabitha jane said...

you must have been at the back of the church where the allergy free bread is placed. it is gluten free and stuff so that people with allergies can still take communion. at the front of the church, it is more like pita bread or something.

At 2:10 PM , Blogger dave said...


For three years we had a church "love feast'...breakfast and sharimg at a restaurant. No agenda as far as bible lesson. Just open bouse, round table, saints talking.

The desrciption of it on the website saidd all that,and added that every week we would share communion inthe same way the early church did.

I kept waiting for someone to ask, "when did we ever have commun ion?"

Then i would have simply pointed to the panackes.

No one ever asked

At 2:50 PM , Blogger tabitha jane said...

dave, that sounds a lot like a house church we had in our living room for 9 months . . .


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