Jesus Outed in Megachurch, Film at 11, Part 10

We drove back toward the church in silence for awhile.
"Why are you going back?"
"I like seeking the lost."
"Do the lost usually bind and gag you and throw you in a broom closet?"
"Yeah," he said, "I admit it gets wearying."
"I thought you were supposed to come back in some big display of power..."
"Power isn't what you think it is," he said. "Didn't you ever read any of Paul?"
"Yeah some. Most people cannot stand Paul, except Fundamentalists."
"Yes. They tie me up on the broom closet, but Paul gets the special treatment."
"The special treatment?"
"Yeah. He likens it to being chained to the back of an 18-wheeler and dragged for 390 miles."
"At the end of them massacreing his writings he says he feels like ankle meat."
"Ewwww..." I said crinkling up my face.
"John ribs him about it all time," he said.
"John, Paul...these guys just hang out now?"
"In a manner of speaking. I'd try and explain it to you but your head would explode."
"Okay, okay...keep it to yerself," I said looking ahead at the road.
"But you can understand power," he said. "There is the power to create and love and there is the power to de-create and hate. One exists forever, the other is a passing shadow no matter how dark and ugly at the moment."
"So All You Need is Love..." I started singing.
"Yes," he said smiling. "You have a wonderful voice. I love that song."
"A John Lennon song?" I said. "But he didn't believe in heaven and he thought he was more popular than you."
"He was more popular than me at the time," he said. "And nobody ever locked him in a closet."
"So is Lennon in heaven now?"
"I'm not telling," he laughed. "He likes his privacy."
"Mac, love is the greatest power there is and when you most reflect God. Ghandi understood this when speaking of the shadow side he said an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blinded. "
"You are quoting Ghandi to me?"
"Why not, he ripped off my material all the time. Truth is truth my young friend, wherever you find it."
"But if it makes you feel better," he paused, "it's all there in Paul and John, not to mention my whole deal. Read the histories."
I could see the huge Megaplex structure looming larger and larger ahead.
"Pop-quiz!" he yelled.
"Pop-quiz...Geez" I said.
"I'm right here." he answered. "Okay...we'll do it like This Week in God."
"You also watch Jon Stewart," I said flatly.
"I watch everything. I'd say it's easier in the broom closet, but it really makes no difference. But I admit I like some things better than others. I like Jon a lot."
"Okay," I said shaking my head. Then I did my imitation of the intro "noise" thing they do. "Beepo-boweepo-boweepo-boweepo-boweepo..beep...beep...boop."
"In Paul's letter to the Corinthians what are the three things he says outlast everything?"
"Easy," I say. "Faith, hope and love."
As I turned the corner into the parking lot, I repeated the Boweepo-thingy.
"What were and are the two biggest enemies to said faith, hope and love?"
", well...oh I know," I said. "Legalism."
"You can thank Dr. Wallmark for that," he said.
"Hey you quoted Ghandi on an eye for an eye," I said slyly. "What's up with that?"
"Truth is a deep well. But well done. And the other?"
"I have no idea," I said.
"Actually that is the answer in a roundabout way," he said grinning. "Having to have all the right answers, all the right knowledge, is just another way of breaking off with God and not being in relationship in love and grace."
I parked the car.
"What's gonna happen?"
"Oh let's just wait and see together." he said calmly.
Last Chapter of Christ...

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