Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Favorite picture

"Let's see colors that we have never been seen
Let's go to places no one else has ever been..."
~Bono Electrical Storm

I like this picture best because they do not take themselves too serious. That may be their salvation.

Mark and I talked a lot about the failure of modern marriage and this on a celebration day of a union we are both hopeful for.Theologians C.S. Lewis and Denis deRougemont both made the same point : when love ceases to be a god it also ceases to be a demon.

In other words, "lighten up Francis". (from Stripes...I cannot believe Jon has not seen Stripes, but then Tabs cannot believe I have not seen Garden State or Eternal Sunshine or, or, or, or...).

I figured I'd get a hello or two in with John Paul and meet his lovely bride. But he accosted me at one point for a sit down (not an easy thing to do on wedding day).

Later he urged me to please come back to the hotel so we would have another 30 minutes.

I loved every minute.

(more in a bit...i have to walk the poochini) Posted by Picasa


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