Friday, December 01, 2006

Making the point again...

This picture has nothing to do with anything. I just like it. Thomas in Jeep, a slingshot and cigar.

That's a Mac...a T-Mac.

Well it all looked set with the kids this weekend. On the way back from a short trip I told Reese "It doesn't make any sense...what is in it for L?"

My reasoning comes from 20 some-odd years of experience. L doesn;t do anything without something in it for L. So why just let me have the kids when she is not yet forced to?

Then I got the email this a.m. She now wants me to do all the driving. Pick them up, bring them back. It is not a request. It is an order.

So I have written back and requested that she bring them on Saturday morning. Then I am more than willing to meet her on Sat. night with Camille and bring Adam all the way to Alameda on Sunday.

It is only fair.

If she asked me as a favor because it has been a hard week I suppose I would consider that. I'm like that. But it is not a request. As I said, it is an order.

So it sets precedent.

Now, not a few of you will scold me for once again holding the line. I can only reply that I do so now because I did not 30 lines ago and it never ends. Like any abusive relationship, there is often some consent on the part of the victim because they tolerate injustice. I suppose this is classic "enabling".

How will my own kids learn to respect themselves and their own boundaries if their father will not? Should Adam just give up in every argument whether he is right or wrong?

As I said, if the email had been a request "Chris, I'm just jammed and could use your help...can you please bring Adam back on Sunday?"...hey no problem.

But it isn't. It's an order. And I do not take orders from this one.

We will see what happens when the court restores my rights and she is forced to deal straight up. I will forgive, but I will not forget. Posted by Picasa


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