Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Eggs and emails

Boo and Peanut's nest with eggs.

I sent this picture with a message to Daughter a few days ago. I followed it up with phone calls and an email to her mother.

No response...for days.

I called again tonight and finally got to talk with Daughter and she was very excited that Boo and Peanut (our finches) have two viable eggs. As I sit and write this both of them are nestled on top of the two eggs. We are hopeful that in 12 more days we will see two little finches.


I had to write the check today. Even though my kids are witheld from me for no good reason I have to write the check.

I did. You know how us deadbeat dads are!

Again, I do not begrudge what I pay. I would pay at least that if I got to live with my kids and gladly. The only downside is I do not get to see my kids.

I just get to pay.

Still, I am truly not bitter about paying. Someone recently told me about a guy who makes a great deal of money...but he lives in a van (not down by the river). He does this so that he is untraceable and because he wants to spend his money directly on his sons without hindrances.

I understand his stance, but the reality is that one parent will shoulder the financial burden and the other should pay into that in way of support.

I do not think a dime of what I pay goes to my Ex. It all goes to my kids. I actually wish I made more money. I'd voluntarily do more.


In the State of California the two issues are exclusive. I take that serious.

I could easily withold child support while my kids are witheld from me. But I don't and I won't. It does not feel right to me, and my integrity and honesty are paramount to me.

But it also is not right that my children are witheld from me for no good reason. So....two wrongs do not make a right and I will not do that wrong (witholding my obligation as a father).

So I write the check and I wait to see my sweet kids here in their other house. I wish they did not have my "other" house to deal with, but then that was not my choice, it was L's.

It was her choice not mine. That's God's honest truth and there is no excuse for broken vows.

And I will not be a victim and I will not allow my children to be deprived of a loving and nurturing father. Posted by Picasa


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