Sunday, October 01, 2006



Today would have been a good day with the kids. Adam and I would have played Starcraft, we would have made hotdogs for lunch, played Monopoly and Daughter and I would have painted more pots or canvases on the deck. A good long walk with the Pooch, but really pretty much concentrated time because my time with them is so limited.

We would have make jokes and cuddled on the couch and watched the new Spongebob episode and I might have even made my signature breakfast potatoes (they take awhile). I would have asked Adam to help with some minor chores and he would oblige. I've been working Camille into starting this. It is part of being family. Still most of the time they are doing something and ask to wait just a bit.

Okay. Fine.

Camille would have been fascinated by the finch eggs. And I might have suggested she do a painting of that with her various art sets here. I would have asked them to make their beds and clean their room, or at least straighten them up.

We would be missing something for dinner or snacks so we would hit the store. Fresh Bordenaves bread, or cream cheese or ice cream. A nice bottle of wine and a amber beer for R.

Camille and I would both forget, once again, to use the cookie dough that has been in the refrigerator for a month (it will out live us all).

In the late afternoon we would maybe hit China Camp Beach and eat sandwiches and play Authors.

A movie at night...either two separate ones (guys room or girls) or one in the main room. Then teeth-brushing for Daughter, stories, a nice back-rub (this is her mother's trick) and leaving the lights on because she gets scared at night no matter where she is.

The Boy outlasts me at night because I wake up at like 4 (maybe 5:15 on a good day). He's fine. He sleeps in till 11 if he wants.

Camille doesn't. I have been at my desk only 2-3 hours before she comes out and comes and gives me a hug. Then she sits on the couch and I ask if she wants hot chocolate and she always says yes. Later she turns on cartoons and starts to ask about food.

As with all my children breakfast food requires almost Jimmy Carter-esque negotiations. Not a one of the four of them have ever agreed to the same early morning nourishment. They alternately love and hate eggs...or eggs with cheese are good, but without...forget it. Waffles are in...waffles are out. For awhile I was able to sidestep with the simple use of sausage. This too passed.

So I just cook food...the potatoes with garlic and onions, the eggs and sausage and then make sure there is milk and plenty of sugar-encrusted cereal around.

I figure they can have nutrition at lunch and dinner.

Later Adam and I would do high fives (well now it is fist to fists) after pummeling Internet Zergs. Then I would aks him to do a load of dishes, which he does without whining.

There are always lots of hugs and jokes and I only get sore when they start to mess with each other too much...which usually is a sign that I need to engage one of them more.

And that is what would have happened this weekend if I had been allowed to see my kids. Anyone who knows me knows this is true.

I continue to insist this is simply about power and fear. Nothing I have seen contradicts this in any way. My children are missing valuable time with their father at a crucial time (an 8 year-old girl and a 13-year old young man). I have done nothing but love, nurture, care and be creative with my kids. All four of them.

I have had power myself at a few times in my life. It made me circumspect and I realized my power needed to be used for the good of others. I also knew God would hold me accountible for its use and misuse. Not to say God would send me to Hell for making mistakes (I've made plenty...I just admit them) but that it was meant to be a gift to bless others and not a hammer to be used for coercion.

This is the correct use of power. To GIVE.

P.S. If it seems I am exaggerating, ask any of my kids directly if this is true. In fact, Sean and Thomas had it even better because not only did they have their own room, they had their own Batcave.

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