Jesus Outed in Megachurch, Film at 11, Part 6

We got more furtive looks as we made our way through the crowd. One man stopped us to explain about various ministries, one of which was to help those with homosexual issues deal with them in a healthy fashion.
"I've just come out of the closet" the Son of Man said directly to the man.
He sputtered a bit.
"Yeah," I said, giving him a quick wink, "and I really love this guy."
We moved on.
"That was wicked," I said.
"Not at all," he said.
From there we made our way into the sanctuary because it was almost vacant except for the choir/band-thingy whatever.
They were practicing for the next three services.
We sat down in the thick padded movie theater chairs and were quiet for awhile.
"So, does your love endure forever?" I asked as the band sang.
"Sure does."
"Then why do so many bad things happen to people?"
"Who does those things...I mean generally?" he asked plainly.
"You all have so much more freedom than you know."
"Doesn't feel that way," I said sadly.
"That's because you impinge on each other's freedom instead of choosing love."
I sat silent.
"You know you could have left me in that closet, but you chose to come," he said.
"Well, there is less choice when God is speaking to you."
"You would be surprised. Ears to hear, eyes to see."
"Okay, I admit, I did come here to see and hear you today."
"No. No, it's actually kinda fun."
He grinned and so did I.
"Let's go" he said.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see, trust me."
Parking with the J-Man...

beautiful . . . really, very beautiful. maybe i should check my closet for jesus when i get home. i'm sure i stuck him in there a long time ago.
Two you both...much more coming...i';m afraid this story has taken on a life of it's' srunning me now...
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