I'm not all funny...
Under my humorous veneer I am dead serious.
My friend, and pastor, Rod said the other day that I need major earmuffs where most people are deaf.
It is ironic that I am the face of Maverickssurf.com and every day wave upon wave comes crashing over me. I tombstone...I follow my leash...I feel as if I am drowning. It's awful and there is no relief.
But I am not the only one by any means. There are many others and Rod was wise to remind me of that. I am far from alone... as alone as I feel. Perception and reality are sketchy to say the least.
Poet William Everson wrote a prayer that he might be able to move through the "blind surf of events" and find the stone levels he knew existed. This is our challenge and it is not easy but it is real.
Who, at age 50, cries into their pillow for want of Christ? Who agonizes over ther own selfishness?
Well not me to be sure (see I cannot stop joking).
People fear the Bible because they have never read it.
I have read it...in fact I learned Greek and attempted Hebrew so I could know it better. I have two Greek commentaries on my desk at the moment.
That is not normal.
And It is very much different than you might think.
It is beautiful, explosive, sweet and dangerous.
The other day my brother came to anoint me. It is an age-old tradition for Christians to anoint the sick with oil and pray for them. It's vulnerable and deep and personal. It's humbling and I am not a humble man by any means.
I asked him to read from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians...chapter four.
It is a particularly dangerous and sweet passage and later he admitted it unnerved him a bit.
So it goes.
The first few verses of the chapter are just about "coming clean".
Palms exposed and raw like Jesus.
The next session (yes, you may have to read it) is apexed by the glory of Christ. You either see it or you do not, If you don't look again and again and again until you do. If you still do not...pray in a raw naked way until you do. It matters.
The whole deal is "seeing behind the veil"...which is just your intuition times five spiritually.
Meanwile (moving down to verse 7) we hold this reality and love and faith in the clay pots that are our very selves.
They break...they shatter and the water seeps out. And so Paul, living under house arrest begins to unveil the red clay of our earthly truth.
More tomorrow.
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