The Citadel
The Citadel Deck.
It is amazing what we take for granted every day. I really try to not do that.
I live in a beautiful city, with a beautiful roomate and we have an adorable dog.
(One of the four birds I am not so fond of...but it's a family nonetheless. )
We live here basically in peace and mutual respect (except for the one bird). There is freedom here. We both would like to see some change in the other, but we don;t push it. Again...respect, and also communication. We do talk about these things on occasion.
But mostly we just really like each other's company and there is simple love.
This is new to me. And it is new to her from all accounts.
We are less like a romantic couple and more like just family. I watch her backside pretty good.
She is considering a major life-change and I am supportive. It is hard to predict what will happen...but it is intriguing.
I guess as long as we are communicating and doing what we can, that is the best thing.
That and it is good to sit on the deck and smell the good air (with a hint of eucalyptus and sea air), pat the dog's huge head and be grateful you have landed here.
The Citadel is my castle and despite the warring factions I love it here.
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