Jesus Outed in Megachurch, Film at 11, Part 3

As I hurried down I could hear the preacher/pastor wrapping up his melodic sermon on people's potential, partnerships and, I dunno....I think there were three other "p's" in there somewhere. I reach the second floor when I asked (inside my head).
"Okay, why do you need my help if you are who you say you are?"
"It's complicated, yet really simple."
"Are you always so enigmatic?"
"What do you think?"
"Yeah... okay, I'll give you that one."
"I'm almost there." I said shaking my head. "And you are in the closet."
"Yes, they locked me in here."
I reached what I thought was the door. When I grabbed and turned it just led to a long hall and the sign said something about security for a "studio".
Suddenly I almost started laughing out loud. Because I am a smartass, I held my wrist up to my mouth the way Secret Service do and in my head said "Sorry, nogo. I hit the studio. Are you East/West from this location?" Then I added a "Qisssshh!" static-like noise in my head (which is not that easy...try it).
"Very fun. I am due West about 20 steps."
When I got to the grey door it was locked.
"It's locked," I said exasperated, "what now..I mean who locks a cleaning closet?"
"I suppose it depends on what is inside," said the voice.
"Good point. Look I need some help..I mean the service is almost over and this place will be flooded."
"I said I'd never do that again," he said.
"Very funny. You gonna sit in the closet and make divine jokes all day long or help me here?"
"You have to pray" came the voice.
"I just did" I said.
"Very good. Clever boy."
As he heard that he could see a few people releasing from the service...people who had to setup the 78 ministry tables down in the three rotundas.
"But you need know..."
"Oh yeah..okay," I said frantic. "Father help me with this door so I can get to your son and I ask it in His name and for His glory. Amen" I said under my breath.
"How was that?"
"A little stiff, but thanks. He likes it that way. It gets His attention. And it's actually good for you on 3,438 different levels of reality which I'll explain to you after you die."
"That gonna be anytime soon? I know your track record, people don't stick around very long. It's like being the black cop buddy in a major movie."
"Could you just work the door please?"
I grabbed the door and it swung right open.
I started to make a joke in my head about him being "the door" but stopped dead in my tracks.
Finding Jesus...

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